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体坛英语新闻:Israeli police arrests soccer fans who beat up Arabs after match


JERUSALEM, March 29 (Xinhua) -- Israeli police on Thursday detained 16 Beitar soccer fans in connection with a racist riot last week when hundreds of people beat up Arab workers at a mall after a match, and chanted racists slogans.

After the arrests, ten of the suspects were released, and the other six were taken to the Jerusalem Magistrate later on Thursday, where they will most likely be tried for assault, Ha'aretz daily reported.

The suspects that were released will not be allowed to attend soccer matches for the next two seasons.

The incident took place almost a week ago, when hundreds of Jerusalem Beitar soccer fans from the Teddy Kollek stadium, stormed in a nearby shopping mall after the match and began to attack and insult local Arab workers.

Beitar soccer fans are known for having an anti-Arab stand, though no incident like last week's had occurred previously. The nearby shopping mall announced they would increase security from now on whenever there was a Beitar game at the stadium.

Israel's National police criticized Jerusalem's police for its inaction, since they arrived 40 minutes later after they had been called.

Israeli Police Commissioner Yohan Danino stressed that despite Jerusalem's police tardy reaction to find the suspects, since they had been filmed on camera, all suspects will be found.

"We have no intention of giving up. We will get to everyone of those who rioted and broke the law, and will bring him to justice. " Danino said.