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国际英语新闻:British former army chief declares support for Brexit


LONDON, June 18 (Xinhua) -- Fears for the creation of a Brussels-led European Army has prompted one of British former military leaders to back the leave camp in next week's EU referendum.

Lord Charles Guthrie, told the Saturday edition of the Daily Telegraph that he has switched his allegiance from remain to Brexit in next week's EU referendum.

Less than four months ago, Guthrie was one of the senior retired military leaders signing a letter backing Britain remaining as a member of the EU.

Guthrie said he has changed his mind due to his anxiety about a growing EU role in defense.

"I think a European Army could damage NATO. It is expensive. It's unnecessary duplication to have it. It would appeal to some euro vanity thing,"he said.

He concluded, "There's a feeling that those backing the European Army are doing it for political reasons rather than military ones. That is dangerous. It would be a signal disaster to have a European Army as rivals to NATO. I am concerned that the Army which I was in for 45 years could become very damaged and therefore less useful to our country."