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国际英语新闻:Feature: Greek gov't pledges better days ahead, as few "No" voters protest


ATHENS, July 5 (Xinhua) -- A year since the Greek referendum on the third bailout deal with international lenders the Left-led government appeared confident that better days lay ahead, as just a few demonstrators of the "No" camp returned to the streets here on Tuesday.

On July 5, 2015, 61 percent of Greek voters rejected the creditors' proposal for a three-year deal. The result sent shockwaves across Europe as concern over an imminent default and Grexit skyrocketed.

However, within hours the Left-led government which had urged for the resounding "No" (Oxi in Greek), made a turnaround and used the outcome as "leverage" in negotiations with lenders on the terms of an agreement which was sealed a week later.

A year later the government continues the implementation of the painful new set of austerity and reform policies agreed in return of further vital rescue loans, pledging return to growth and better days soon, while just a few hardliners keep protesting.

The outcome of the Greek referendum last year was a "culminating act of resistance" to those in the European Union who preach austerity, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras tweeted on Tuesday from China as he pays an official visit from June 2.

"One year later we continue with our head high. We fight for Greece to stand on its feet again with the fewer possible wounds and we open the way to large institutional changes for Greece in 2021. Fair growth, democracy, justice, prosperity," Tsipras underlined.

Meanwhile, less than 1,000 people, according to police estimates, joined on Tuesday the symbolic rallies called by the civil servants' trade union ADEDY and the Leftist Popular Union (LAE) anti-bailout party formed last August by former members of Tsipras' Radical Left SYRIZA party.

A year ago the NO camp protests had attracted tens of thousands of supporters and on the evening of the referendum Greeks were celebrating the result by dancing on Syntagma square.

"No to old and new memoranda," the few protestors chanted on Tuesday in front of the parliament before marching peacefully to the Premier's office and the European Union premises in Athens.

Waving Greek national flags demonstrators accused SYRIZA of not respecting the popular mandate.

"We are consistent in our struggle. We believe that this NO remains alive," Panagiotis Lafazanis, LAE's leader who had served as Energy Minister in SYRIZA's government until last summer told Xinhua on Tuesday.

"(The outcome of the Greek referendum) gave the message and courage to other people in Europe to say NO to the European Union. The latest and loudest such message was given in the Great Britain... It is very helpful for our efforts and a clear message to all people in Europe," Takis Zontos, a lawyer who participated in the protest, added.

On the occasion of the one year anniversary opposition parties reiterated accusations against the Left-led government of wasting precious time in marathon negotiations before striking a deal with lenders, arguing that the attached price tag was heavy for Greek people.

On the other hand, in a statement issued on Tuesday SYRIZA hailed last year's NO as a historic turn which "still triggers progressive developments across Europe."

The outcome of the Greek referendum and the following September 2015 snap general elections "opened the way for an alternative policy to restore growth, social justice and win a pledge for debt relief from lenders," according to the party statement.

In an interview with Greek broadcaster ERT on Monday night Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos also assured that the economy today is on the path of recovery following the recent conclusion of the first review of the new bailout and positive results will be posted in coming months.

The Greek government will achieve its fiscal target of 0.5 percent of GDP primary surplus for 2016, therefore the automatic budget adjustment mechanism agreed with lenders this spring will not be activated, the Greek official said.

He also said that capital controls imposed on June 29, 2015 will be gradually relaxed in coming weeks and months, as the economy recovers.