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国际英语新闻:Latin America expresses sorrow and support for Cuba after passing of Fidel Castro


CARACAS, Nov. 26 (Xinhua) -- After Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro died late on Friday at the age of 90, expressions of sorrow and support for Cuba came from every corner of Latin America, a region that was profoundly influenced by Castro's ideas.


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Saturday called on the people of the world "to rediscover" themselves following the example of Fidel.

In an interview with the Telesur television station, Maduro said that "we should rediscover ourselves in the example of Fidel, an eternal youth, eternal dreamer, eternal rebel, who never took one minute of rest, as per the Bolivarian oath."

Maduro said he had spoken with Fidel's brother, President Raul Castro, to pass on "the pain we feel. (This is) a hard blow for all the revolutionaries of the world."

He also sent his condolences to Castro's wife, and their children and grandchildren.

According to Maduro, whose predecessor Hugo Chavez was a close friend of the Cuban leader, "Fidel was a man of permanent direction, he never lost time...to give the example. I visited him every two months to follow the example of commander Chavez."


Brazilian President Michel Temer stated Saturday that Fidel Castro was a "leader of convictions."

In a brief statement, Temer said that "Fidel Castro was a leader of convictions. He marked the second half of the 20th century with the firm defense of the ideas in which he believed."

Former left-wing President, Dilma Rousseff, lamented Castro's death in a statement, calling him a "visionary" and "one of the most important political contemporaries."

"All the dreamers and progressive militants, all those who fight for social justice and a less unequal world, woke up sad this Saturday."


Bolivian President Evo Morales expressed his deep sorrow at the death of the leader of the Cuban Revolution, whom he called "a giant of history and humanity."

In a press conference, Morales said "In the name of the Bolivian people, our condolences and solidarity to the family, government and people of Cuba. There is much sorrow in the world at the departure of a great man."

"For me, Fidel was the only man in the world who showed solidarity to all the Cubans," he said.

Morales and Fidel maintained a close friendship since before the Bolivian president took office in 2006.


On Saturday, President Mauricio Macri wrote on Twitter that he sent "condolences to the Cuban government for the passing away of Fidel Castro."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a statement sending the condolences of the Argentinean government to the Cuban people and highlighting that Castro "had a relevant role in the history of the 20th century". It also stated that Argentina "desires to continue tightening the deep links of friendship and cooperation which unite both countries."


On Saturday morning, President Rafael Correa took to Twitter to lament the death of a close political ally. "A great man is gone. Fidel has died! Long live Cuba! Long live Latin America!" he wrote.

Later in the day, in his weekly address to the nation, Correa said "Cuba is fighting, Latin America is fighting. Fidel Castro was very probably the most important Latin American of the 20th century."

"Those who fight for life can never be said to have died," Correa said of his personal friend, adding that "he completed...his mission: to free his beloved Cuba."