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国际英语新闻:Iran vows not to allow "review" of JCPOA


TEHRAN, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) -- An Iranian diplomat on Friday said that his country would not allow any move to review the international nuclear deal, known as JCPOA, which has put an end to the disputes over the Islamic republic's decade-long nuclear issue.

Iran "has many times reiterated that the nuclear dossier will not open again at any rate," Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for the United States and European Affairs Majid Takht Ravanchi was quoted by Tasnim news agency as saying.

The remarks by Takht Ravanchi were a reaction to the comments by Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state, who said in his Senate confirmation hearing on Wednesday that he would recommend a "full review" of the nuclear deal with Iran.

Iran will not allow the agreement to be renegotiated and this is the stance of the six world powers, including Russia, China, U.S., Britain, France and Germany, who joined in diplomatic efforts with Iran on its nuclear program, said Takht Ravanchi.

Iran has repeatedly accused the U.S. of violating the JCPOA since January 2016 when it was implemented.

Iran and the six world powers reached an agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue in July 2015 that put Iran on the path of sanctions relief but more strict limits on its nuclear program.

The deal set limits on Iran's nuclear activities as it would take Tehran at least one year to produce enough fissile materials for producing a nuclear weapon, and it would also allow regular inspections of the facilities inside Iran.

In return, the U.S. and the European Union would suspend nuclear-related sanctions against Tehran, with the lifting of all past UN Security Council sanction resolutions.

Many members of the U.S. legislators had expressed deep concern over the deal, warning that Tehran could evade inspections and use the money from sanction relief to destabilize the region.