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国际英语新闻:Trump's proposals on family leave, infrastructure spending most popular: poll


WASHINGTON, April 9 (Xinhua) -- Among over a dozen of policy actions or proposals by U.S. President Donald Trump, requiring companies to provide family leave for parents of a newborn baby and spending 1 trillion U.S. dollars on infrastructure construction are the most popular ones, found a new Gallup poll.

The March 9-29 poll showed that a solid majority of 81 percent of Americans support Trump's proposal on requiring companies to provide family leave for parents after the birth of a child.

It found that 76 percent of Republicans endorse the family leave proposal, and 87 percent of Democrats support it.

Trump's plan to spend 1 trillion dollars on U.S. infrastructure upgrade was supported by 76 percent of Americans, including 85 percent of Republicans and and 70 percent of Democrats.

Two other Trump's proposals, the plan to significantly cut federal income taxes for the middle class and providing federal funding for school-choice programs to allow students to attend any private or public school, also gained the support of over half Americans, according to the poll.

It showed that 61 percent of Americans, including 79 percent of Republicans and 50 percent of Democrats, support the tax cuts for the middle class.

Meanwhile, 59 percent of Americans support the funding for school-choice program, including 74 percent of Republicans and 46 percent of Americans.

By 47 percent to 42 percent, more Americans support than oppose Trump's plan to increase military spending by 54 billion dollars, the poll found.

Americans are evenly divided, by 41 percent to 41, on supporting and opposing Trump's plan to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama's healthcare plan.

Other nine Trump proposals garner less support than opposition, including imposing a temporary ban on citizens from six Muslim-majority nations, halting refugee settlement plan, cutting corporate income tax rate, start building the U.S.-Mexico border wall, approving construction of Keystone XL pipeline and Dakota access pipeline, ending U.S. funding for international organizations supporting abortions, freezing hiring by federal government, demanding for eliminating two existing federal regulations for every new one to be enacted, and ending U.S. participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership pact.

If Trump believes he should represent the wishes and desires of all Americans, he should focus on pushing through an infrastructure bill, cutting taxes for the middle class, providing family leave and allocating funding for school-choice programs, Gallup said in an analysis report.

Trump should also pull back from his promises to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, streamline federal government and vet international organizations based on their funding of abortion, Gallup added.