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国际英语新闻:World leaders honor former German Chancellor Kohl in Strasbourg


STRASBOURG, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Gathering in honor of one of the forces behind a unified Europe, European and world leaders paid homage Saturday in France's Strasbourg to Helmut Kohl, former German Chancellor and honorary citizen of Europe, who died in Germany on June 16.

In a ceremony held in the hemicycle of the European parliament, chosen for its symbolic role in the reconstruction of Franco-German friendship and European solidarity in the wake of two world wars, Kohl was saluted by fellow heads of state and friends.

The event was opened with remarks from European Parliament President Antonio Trajani, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, and European Council President Donald Tusk.

Former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, former United States President Bill Clinton, Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel also spoke during the ceremony.

Other notable attendees included Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, British Prime Minister Theresa May, former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, and Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang, special envoy of Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Maike Kohl-Richter, widow of Helmut Kohl, was also in attendance.

Kohl, who was German chancellor from 1982 to 1998 and chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 1973 to 1998, was credited by his friends and former colleagues as being a driving force behind German reunification and the European project.

Juncker referred to Kohl as "a true European and friend," adding that "Europe owes him a lot."

"With extraordinary perseverance he sought to define a common Europe. He sought for what binds it together," Tusk said of Kohl.

"Helmut Kohl gave us the chance to be involved in something bigger than ourselves, bigger than our terms in office and bigger than our fleeting careers," Clinton said in speech.

Medvedev called Kohl the "architect of the world order". "In Russia, we will remember him as our friend -- a wise and sincere person."

In the somber ceremony, accompanied by the Strasbourg University Orchestra playing excerpts from Handel, Beethoven and Schubert, some leaders took the opportunity to plead for reinforcement of the European project in the era of Brexit and numerous crises which have tested the Union's solidity.

European Parliament President Tajani told those gathered that "like Kohl and the other leaders of his era, we must work together to give fresh meaning to the European ideal."

French President Macron, the most junior of those who spoke during the ceremony, said, "We will draw from the example of Helmut Kohl what we must do to move forward together."

"The lives of millions of people would have been a lot different without Helmut Kohl -- including my own life," said Merkel when giving the final speech. "Dear Helmut Kohl, thanks to you I'm standing here today. Thanks for the chance that you made possible for me and many others."

The ceremony concluded with performances of the German and European anthems.

Kohl's remains are to be taken later Saturday for a funeral mass in the cathedral in the German town of Speyer, the resting place of several Holy Roman emperors and German kings.