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国际英语新闻:Women continue to face multiple and intersecting inequalities: Pakistani official


UNITED NATIONS, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Women across the world continue to face multiple and intersecting inequalities, a Pakistani official said here on Friday.

Addressing the 63rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women, Khawar Mumtaz, head of Pakistan delegation to the conference, said that prompted by poverty, volatile economy and lack of opportunity, these challenges accentuate domestic and gender-based violence and discriminatory practices against women.

"When extreme poverty knocks the door, women are often the first to lose livelihoods," Mumtaz said.

"Pakistan aligns itself with the statement delivered by Palestine on behalf of the Group of 77 and China," she said, adding that financial challenges and persistent gaps directly affect poor households and rural areas.

Women and girls in poor households and rural areas experience clustered deprivations from lower access to education, health care and decent housing to clean energy, water and sanitation, Mumtaz said.

The priority theme for this year's session "Social Protection Systems, Access to Public Services and Sustainable Infrastructure for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of the Women and Girls" is apt and timely, she said.

Social protection, public services and sustainable infrastructure are closely interlinked with policy and legislative framework to ensure delivery of social security, the Pakistani official said.

Social protection is a human right and the welfare of all citizens in all stages of life is essential, she said, adding that Pakistan has made significant strides to ensure social protection for its citizen and Pakistan recognizes social protection as an explicit fundamental right.

"A good social protection policy is inclusive in all its diversity to social protection system for women and girls," Mumtaz said.

Feminization of inequality persists and the eradication of these inequalities in all its forms and dimensions is an indispensable requirement of women's social security, economic empowerment and sustainable development, she said.

Pakistan's Vision 2025, the blue print for Pakistan's own long-term, sustainable and inclusive development, prioritizes social protection through institutional restructuring, policies and fiscal reforms, women employment in public sector, and women's political participation, she said.

The National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS) of Pakistan, through policy and program intervention addresses poverty and vulnerability by contributing to raise the income of poor households, she said.