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国际英语新闻:Venezuela denounces "terrorist attack" against communications companies


CARACAS, Feb. 9 (Xinhua) -- Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez on Sunday denounced a "terrorist attack" on a warehouse in the northern state of Carabobo belonging to two state-owned communications companies.

"A terrorist attack caused a fire in the CANTV and Movilnet Flor Amarillo Warehouse, resulting in the total loss of strategic telecommunications material," Rodriguez said through her Twitter account.

The fire occurred near midnight in the Flor Amarillo area of Valencia, where the warehouse of CANTV, the national telephone company of Venezuela, and Movilnet, the state-owned mobile communications company, was located.

Rodriguez added that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had called for "the immediate restitution of the indispensable material and the capture of those responsible."

The vice president attributed the act to "opposition extremists" under direction from the United States.

CANTV denounced the attack through its Twitter account, saying that it was a crime against services provided for the Venezuelan people.