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国际英语新闻:Ukrainian President Zelensky hopes for elections in E. Ukraine this fall


KIEV, Feb. 11 (Xinhua) -- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that he feels it will be possible to hold the elections in the East of Ukraine this fall, Interfax-Ukraine reported on Tuesday.

In an exclusive interview with the news agency, the president underlined that it is possible only after the active phase of the conflict stops in the East of Ukraine, and the foreign armed forces are withdrawn from the territory of Ukraine.

"Once we agree, we will still need about three months, at least, to ensure security for everyone -- for journalists, for the CEC, for the observers... I believe that it is possible, for some reason, I have such a feeling," said Zelensky, noting that much will become clear after the Normandy Four summit scheduled for April this year.

In October 2019, Ukraine, Russia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) signed the accord known as the Steinmeier Formula, giving the green light to the elections in the East of Ukraine.

In December 2019, the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany met in Paris for the Normandy Format summit dedicated to resolving the conflict in the East of Ukraine.