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国际英语新闻:China, U.S. to work together to rebuild mutual trust: FM


BEIJING, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday urged joint efforts from China and the United States to ensure "a stable transition" of China-U.S. relations against disruptions of all kinds.

They should be striving to resume dialogue, bring ties back on track, and rebuild mutual trust for the next stage of bilateral ties, Wang said in Beijing at a meeting with a delegation of the board of directors of the U.S.-China Business Council held via video link.

Noting that China and the U.S. share broad common interests and room for cooperation, Wang said the countries, as the two biggest economies and permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, should enhance dialogue and cooperation to contribute more to sustained peace and prosperity for humanity.

Saying the future of China-U.S. relations hinges on the correct choices made by the U.S. and the joint efforts of the two sides, Wang put forward five proposals for promoting the sound and stable development of China-U.S. ties.

First, Wang urged the U.S. to perceive China in a strategically correct way. He stressed that China is committed to a path of rejuvenation that pursues peaceful development and mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries to achieve win-win and all-win results.

"We expect and believe the U.S.-China policy can and should return to an objective and rational track sooner or later," Wang said.

Second, Wang called on the two countries to have communication and dialogue at all levels. The two sides can work out lists of dialogue, cooperation, and dispute management to provide a clearer picture for the maintaining and developing of bilateral ties, Wang said.

He also encouraged sectors of strategic studies and businesses to enhance dialogue to provide intellectual and social support for the sound and stable development of China-U.S. relations.

Third, Wang said the two countries should expand mutually beneficial cooperation. He suggested cooperation in COVID-19 pandemic responses, economic recovery, including the resumption of macro-economic policy dialogue and coordination, and responses to climate change.

He also proposed coordination in major global challenges and hotspot issues such as poverty reduction, anti-terrorism and noNPRoliferation, and enhanced cooperation under multilateral frameworks.

Fourth, Wang said the two sides should manage disputes and differences. He urged mutual respect toward each other's historical and cultural inheritance, core interests, and major concerns, as well as choices by the two countries' peoples concerning their respective national systems and development paths.

"The two sides should manage disputes yet to be solved with a constructive attitude to avoid their escalation in order not to impact the general picture of China-U.S. relations," said Wang.

Fifth, Wang proposed increasing public support for bilateral ties, urging the two sides to support enhanced exchanges in fields such as legislative bodies, businesses, media, and the youth.

He also called on people of insight in both countries to give more objective and rational information and introduce to the general public the real picture of China's development and China-U.S. cooperation.

Calling China-U.S. economic and trade cooperation the "ballast stone" of bilateral ties, Wang expressed the hope the USCBC and the U.S. business sector can play their due role in bringing bilateral relations back on track and make active contributions in the process.

For their part, the attending U.S. delegation members, including USCBC's Chairman Tom Linebarger and President Craig Allen, said the council attaches great importance to ties with China, hailing China's return to normalcy in economic development and the impetus injected into a global recovery.

They voiced support for enhanced dialogue and rebuilding mutual trust between the two countries, expressing the hope to play a more significant role in China's new development paradigm. They also pledged USCBC's active role in promoting the U.S.-China relations in the right direction.