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国际英语新闻:Arab League chief says decade-long Syrian situation tragic


CAIRO, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said on Monday that the Syrian situation is "tragic" 10 years after the outbreak of the crisis.

In a statement, Aboul-Gheit said the dimensions of the Syrian humanitarian, strategic and security crisis cast a shadow over the entire Arab region, with half of the Syrians becoming refugees and displaced.

Saying the tremendous humanitarian and economic consequences of the crisis must push all parties to acknowledge that the interference of international and regional parties has prolonged its duration, the Arab League chief added that some parties have interests to keep the conflict going.

He stressed that suspending Syria's Arab League membership is not permanent and the country must be supported by all means.

Freezing the Syrian situation does not represent a solution, Aboul-Gheit said, calling on the Syrian government and the civil opposition to end the conflict.

As the Syrian crisis marks the 10th anniversary, the Arab country is still suffering deeply from years of bloodshed and economic blockades.