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欧美文化:Egyptian president, Saudi Arabian crown prince vow to address security threats


CAIRO, June 21 (Xinhua) -- Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi and visiting Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud on Tuesday discussed the security threats and challenges faced by the region and agreed to continue intensive security coordination between the two Arab countries.

The talks reflected a mutual understanding to continue joint efforts to address the risks threatening the security and stability of the countries and peoples of the region, the Egyptian presidency said in a statement.

The Egyptian president "reiterated Egypt's unwavering position with regard to the Gulf's security, stressing that it is integral to Egypt's national security, rejecting any practices that seek to destabilize it."

For his part, the Saudi crown prince underscored the importance of continuing intensive coordination and consultations between Egypt and Saudi Arabia to counter the challenges and crises faced by the Arab world.

The crown prince also highlighted Egypt's "pivotal and firm role as a fundamental pillar for security and stability in the region."

Earlier in the day, the Egyptian government announced that Egypt and Saudi Arabia signed 14 investment deals in Cairo valued at 7.7 billion U.S. dollars during the state visit of the Saudi crown prince, covering the fields of food and pharmaceutical industries, infrastructure, renewable energy, green hydrogen, e-commerce, digital finance, and information services.