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欧美文化:UN humanitarians appeal for 1.57 bln USD to aid 5.5 mln people in Eastern DRC


UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- UN humanitarians and partners on Thursday appealed for 1.57 billion U.S. dollars to help 5.5 million people in three violence-wracked eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that halfway through this year, the 2.3-billion-dollar 2023 humanitarian response plan for the DRC is only one-third funded.

OCHA said more than 3.3 million people have been internally displaced since March, bringing the total number of internally displaced in Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu provinces to a staggering 5.6 million.

The humanitarian office said the number of civilian protection incidents reported, particularly gender-based violence cases, was an alarming 33,000 cases in the first quarter of the year, surpassing the number of cases reported in all of 2022.

"The funds will focus on providing food assistance, nutrition, protection and support for victims of gender-based violence," OCHA said. "The funds will also go toward addressing epidemics in these three provinces until the end of the year."

The office said humanitarian organizations have already strengthened their operations and response, reaching more than 900,000 people with emergency assistance.

The eastern DRC has been a target for raids by various rebel groups, some allegedly from neighboring countries.