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欧美文化:Netanyahu's speech about returning hostages "a complete lie," Hamas says


GAZA, July 25 (Xinhua) -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to U.S. Congress about intensified efforts to return the hostages is "a complete lie and misleading Israeli, American and international public opinion," said Hamas, the Gaza-ruling Palestinian faction, on Wednesday.

Netanyahu is "the one who thwarted all efforts aimed at ending the war and concluding a deal to release the prisoners," despite the continuous efforts of mediators in Egypt and Qatar and despite the flexibility and positivity that he showed, Hamas said in a statement.

Netanyahu's perceptions about the future of the Gaza Strip are "pure delusions and fantasies," Hamas said, noting that "Palestinian people are the only ones who have the right to determine their fate and determine who will rule them."

In the statement, Hamas accused Washington of continuing to provide all means of political and military support to Israel and giving the Israeli government the necessary cover to escape punishment.

Netanyahu addressed at U.S. Congress on Wednesday. Previously he has said that he would seek to "anchor the bipartisan support" to Israel at the U.S. Congress.

His visit comes amid growing criticism against Netanyahu at home over his failure to secure the release of about 120 hostages still being held in Gaza and the continuation of the deadly conflict, which began on Oct. 7 last year.