关于本票的起诉状格式:1.管辖权声明。 2.被告于或大约于1935年6月1日签署并交付原告本票一张[以下述文字与数字作成:(在此逐字抄录)];[该本票副本见附件证据A];[因此被告于1936年6月1日承诺支付或指示支付原告___________美元并附加年利息率为6%]。 3.被告欠原告该本票所载款项及利息。 据此,原告请求判决被告偿付________美元的款项、利息及费用。 签名:___________ 原告律师 地址;_____________ Form1 COMPLAINT ON A PROMISSORY NOTE 1.Allegation of jurisdiction. 2.Defendant on or about June 1,1935,executed and delivered to plaintiff a promissory note[in the following words and figures(here set out the note verbatim)];[a copy of which is hereto annexed as Exhibit A];[whereby defendant promised to pay to plaintiff or order on June 1,1936 the sum of __________dollars with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum]. 3.Defendant owes to plaintiff the amount of said note and interest. Wherefore plaintiff demands judgment against defendant for the sum of _________ dollars , interest ,and costs. Signed: ___________ Attorney for Plaintiff Address: __________
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