Sue: So, let's start with the basics……1) flirting…… 苏: 那我们就从基本的开始……眉目传情…… Rose: I'll feel stupid. 柔丝:我会觉得自己好蠢。 Sue: Try it out on me. Give me the "look"… with the "eye"… 苏: 你拿我当对象试试。抛媚眼做个表情给我看…… Rose: What look? Like this? 柔丝:什么表情?像这样子吗? Sue: You look like 2) Mickey Mouse! Don't look so happy. 苏 你看起来像米老鼠!别那么高兴。 Rose: But I like him, so why should I look sad? 柔丝:可是我喜欢他啊,何必哭丧着脸? 语言详解 A: Does Bruce like you? 鲁克喜欢你吗? B: I think so. He's always flirting with me. 我想是吧。他老是跟我打情骂俏。 “Let's start with the basics. 先从入门开始” 循序渐进才是脚踏实地,稳中求胜的做法。好比老师在教导同学们的时候,便是从基本原则先开始讲授,由浅入深,一步步地带领着门生一窥其中的奥秘。 A:I can't believe you're going to teach me how to ice-skate! 没想到会是你教我滑冰! B:Let's start with the basics: falling. 我们先从基本的开始学:摔跤。 1) flirt (v.) 打情骂俏,调情 2) Mickey Mouse 米老鼠,这里指脸上带着天真愉快表情的人