每一种语言都有传递其文化内涵和智慧的谚语,具有悠久历史的中文自不必说,但西方的英语虽然历史不长,却同样有很多谚语或歇后语,蕴含着生活的哲理和智慧。一、 The wish is father to the thought.意谓愿望是思想的根源,有希望就有信念。笔者自己的意思:既然是思想的根源。那思想是创造的推动力,我再加上The wish is father to the thought; the thought is mother to creation.活学活用:─ like father, like son. 有其父就有其子─ The child is father of the man. 指三岁定八十岁,从少看老,也是江山易改,本性难移的写照。二、 Every dog has its day.指富贵无常,凡人皆有得意的时候。(一个潦倒的人,以前也可能风光过,做人要厚道,不能看低别人。)活学活用:─ love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌(打狗就是欺主了)─ Don't wake a sleeping dog. 切莫打草惊蛇,不要生事。─ walk the dog everyday. 每日带狗散步。─ dog leash 狗链; dog collar 狗项圈
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