Policeman: Are you Ok / Are you all right? 您没事儿吧?
Man: I'm all right.
Policeman: Are you hurt / Are you injured? 您受伤了吗?
Driver: No, I'm fine. 没受伤,我还好。
Policeman: Should we call your family?
Driver: No, it's ok.
如果有人明显受伤,警察就会问"Do you need to go to the hospital? 你需要去医院吗?"或者"Do you need an ambulance? 您要救护车吗?"确定所有人的安全问题后,警察就要开始调查事故了。下面就是他们例行要问的问题:Can you tell me what happened here? 能不能告诉我这儿发生了什么事?
Did you see the car before it hit you? 在车撞上您之前,您看见车了吗?
How fast were you going? 您开多快?
How far were you from the car in front of you? 您和前面车子的距离是多少?
Which direction were you coming from? 您是从哪个方向来的?
Which direction were you going? 您要往哪个方向去?
Which lane were you in? 当时您在哪个车道行驶?
Have you noticed the red light? 您注意到红灯了吗?
Have you moved your car? 您移动过您的车吗?通常警察会告诉车主:
Please do not move your vehicle. 请不要移动您的车辆。
Please move your vehicle to the side of the road. 请把您的车移到路边。如果你不幸是受害者,而驾车的人又逃跑了,一定记得记住那辆车的车牌号(license plate number)哦!

Man: I'm all right.
Policeman: Are you hurt / Are you injured? 您受伤了吗?
Driver: No, I'm fine. 没受伤,我还好。
Policeman: Should we call your family?
Driver: No, it's ok.
如果有人明显受伤,警察就会问"Do you need to go to the hospital? 你需要去医院吗?"或者"Do you need an ambulance? 您要救护车吗?"确定所有人的安全问题后,警察就要开始调查事故了。下面就是他们例行要问的问题:Can you tell me what happened here? 能不能告诉我这儿发生了什么事?
Did you see the car before it hit you? 在车撞上您之前,您看见车了吗?
How fast were you going? 您开多快?
How far were you from the car in front of you? 您和前面车子的距离是多少?
Which direction were you coming from? 您是从哪个方向来的?
Which direction were you going? 您要往哪个方向去?
Which lane were you in? 当时您在哪个车道行驶?
Have you noticed the red light? 您注意到红灯了吗?
Have you moved your car? 您移动过您的车吗?通常警察会告诉车主:
Please do not move your vehicle. 请不要移动您的车辆。
Please move your vehicle to the side of the road. 请把您的车移到路边。如果你不幸是受害者,而驾车的人又逃跑了,一定记得记住那辆车的车牌号(license plate number)哦!
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