伤风感冒是最“流行”的病了,如何向医生描述你的病情?快来看一看吧!I have been coughing up rusty greenish-yellow phlegm.
我一直咳嗽,还有绿黄色的痰。My eyes are itchy and I have been sneezing.

我发烧了,全身酸痛,还干咳不断。I have been coughing sputum and feeling sick..
我咳嗽,有浓痰,还恶心。I have a headache, aching bones and joints.
我头疼,骨头疼,关节也疼。I have a persistent cough.
我咳嗽不断。I have bouts of uncontrollable coughing.
我咳嗽一阵一阵的,止不住。I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose.
我嗓子疼,鼻子还堵。My breathing is harsh and wheezy.
我喘气时呼哧呼哧直响。I have a stabbing pain that comes on suddenly in one or both temples.
我有时候太阳穴会突然刺痛。I have a runny nose and a scratchy throat.
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