Benjamin: A microwave oven?Shirley: Yes, it's really two-pence colored.Benjamin: Okay, honey, we already have two. There is no more space for a third one!Shirley: But it's so elegant.Benjamin: Honey, maybe something else, just no more microwave oven, okay?Shirley: All right. Then what about a MD player? For May to learn English with.Benjamin: Better.Shirley: Do you have any MD players?Sales person: Yes, various. Here are the samples. What about this one?Shirley: What are its features?Sales person: Well, it has a lithium battery which lasts for 20 hours. With MP3 mode, you can download about 9 hours of music or English audio texts. It's especially popular with students for their English study!Shirley: What else?Sales person: Maybe you should just have it operated then you would know how well it works.Shirley: Oh,“My heart will go on”, I love the song.Benjamin: Nothing can s her from buying it now, I suppose.Sales person: Just think about the advantage you are going to get.:亲爱的,我们已经有两个了,实在没有地方放第三个了! 雪莉:但是这款真的很棒。本杰明:亲爱的,要不我们买点别的,只是别买微波炉了,好吗?雪莉:好吧,要不我们买个MD播放机让阿美用来学英语。 本杰明:(买这个比买微波炉)好多了。雪莉:请问你们有MD播放机吗?售货员:是的,有很多款式。这里有样品。这款怎么样?雪莉:它有什么特点?销售员:它有能持续20小时的锂电池。用MP3模式,可以下载9个小时的音乐或英语听力材料,现在特别流行于学生的英语学习。 雪莉:还有其他的(优点)吗?销售员:你可以现在就操作一些,然后你就知道它的性能有多好了!雪莉:哦,《我心永恒》,我喜欢这首歌。本杰明:我想,现在没有什么能阻止她买这个了。售货员:想想你买它所得到的好处吧! 电脑 microphone 麦克风air conditioning 空调提高词汇electric fan 电风扇electric vacuum cleaner 电吸尘器electric iron 电熨斗electric shaver 电动剃须刀dictating machine 录音机electric calculator 电子计算机electric cooker 电炉electric heater 电暖气两人一组,一方随机大声读出上面词汇的英文和中文,另一方用该词汇填入下面的句子,大声朗读并表演出来,并用中文给出一个理由。 Do you have any ( )?[例] 家长读radio 收音机孩子读Do you have any radios? 我想买一个。
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