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20国集团(G20)伦敦金融峰会4月2日落下帷幕,与会领导人就国际货币基金组织(IMF)增资和加强金融监管等全球携手应对金融经济危机议题达成多项共识。 英国首相戈登·布朗在会后举行的新闻发布会上说,G20领导人同意为IMF和世界银行等多边金融机构提供总额1.1万亿美元资金,其中国际货币基金组织资金规模将扩大至现在的3倍,由2500亿美元增加到7500亿美元,以帮助陷入困境的国家。


Leaders of the G20 nations have agreed to pump an additional trillion dollars into the troubled global economy.

At the close of the London summit, Gordon Brown announced the money would be made available through extra funding for groups like the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Outlining the conclusions of the meeting, the Prime Minister announced an additional $500bn for the IMF, plus $250bn available to all members of the IMF and $250bn to boost trade.

"The old Washington consensus is over," he declared.

"This is the day that the world came together to fight back against the global recession.

"Not with words but with a plan for global recovery and for reform."

The Prime Minister said the summit had agreed $250bn finance to help get trade moving again, rather than the $100bn that had originally been suggested.

He also pledged that leaders would "clean up" the world's banking system.There will be sanctions on tax havens which refuse to reform, regulation for credit agencies, and new rules on pay and bonuses.Mr Brown insisted there had been no splits at the talks.

He said: "The issues that people thought divided us did not divide us at all.

"There was substantial agreement on the need for us to do whatever is necessary to return to growth."

He said the increased cash for the IMF came from various countries, including $40bn from China, $100bn from the EU and $100bn dollars from Japan.

The PM went on: "Our priority right through this summit has been the jobs, the homes, the businesses of hard-working families in this country and, indeed, every country.

"If countries act together they can make a major difference."

The agreement comes at the end of months of wrangling over whether a coordinated fiscal stimulus was the solution to the world's economic crisis.But two of the most outspoken opponents of such action welcomed Thursday's conclusions.German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the outcome of the summit was a "very, very good, almost historic compromise."

And French President Nicolas Sarkozy said it was "more than we could have hoped for".Mr Sarkozy also said that if the global economic crisis got worse, France would consider a further fiscal stimulus.

Shadow chancellor George Osborne said the G20 agreement "vindicates" the Tory position as it "does not contain a single extra dollar or a single extra pound of fiscal stimulus".

The deal would seem "very remote" to ordinary voters hit by the recession, he said.