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After a secret White House get-acquainted visit, six-month-old Bo is almost ready to meet his public. The Portuguese water dog hails from a North Texas breeder.

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get-acquainted visit 初访

"This right here is Penny. This is the mother."

Martha and Bo Stern described the presidential pup as having his own mind.

"He was a feisty little puppy, very self-confident, very...he's going to make him a nice dog."

The question of a first pup has dogged president Obama, even following him overseas ealier this month.

"This is a very important question in the United States. What kind of dog we're getting."

Experts say Portuguese water dogs are high-energy working dogs, typical size, sixty pounds and two-feet tall at the shoulder. Their fur also makes them excellent pets for allergy suffers like first daughter Malia.

"I think it'll be a great fit as far as the energy level and also the intelligence of the dog. They'll be up to the challenge, anything that the girls want to do with them."

The new first pet first belonged to another family who had a dog that didn't quite get along with Bo.

"Vicky Kennedy entered into the picture, and she said, Hey, I know the perfect home."

That would be Victoria Kennedy, wife of dog-lover senator Ted Kennedy. The couple gave Bo to Obama daughters Sasha and Malia as a gift. A White House aid described the First Puppy as very well-mannered, saying Bo hit it off beautifully with the Obama family. This picture, taken during last month hush-hush visit, even shows Bo following president Obama demonstrating he already understands who's top dog.

Sasha and Malia picked the name Bo because their cousins have a cousin by the same name, and because Michelle Obama's father was kicknamed Diddley, as in legendary musician Bo Diddley. Elaine Quijano, cnn, Washington.