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注意生活小细节 避免头痛发生


In this morning's Health Watch, some surprising headache triggers. Doctors say that you can reduce painful headaches and crippling migraines by avoiding certain foods and activities. Early Show contributor, Dr. Holly Phillips of WCBS TV is here to explain. Good Morning.

cripple这个词有两个解释,一个是‘跛行,瘸子’,另一个是‘damage badly 严重伤害’。这里crippling作形容词,可以解释为‘造成很大伤害的,非常痛苦的’。 migraine是‘偏头痛’。很严重的头痛当然也可以说成‘have/get a bad/severe migraine’。

Good morning, Debbye.

All right, we want to start off with the first one which I'm a little surprised by it, because I always thought it was barometric pressure that affected headaches, but you say temperature.

barometric pressure是‘气压’的意思。事实上根据统计,有3/4的经常性头痛患者,是由于天气或是气压而引起的。

Exactly, it's really warm weather. Winter's a great time for headache sufferers. Actually a recent study show for every nine degree increase in temperature, the risk of getting a headache goes up even more than seven percent. So really a warm weather is a trigger for many people, and you are right, low barometric pressure which is what happened before rain is also a trigger.

OK, so let's move on into foods. There are a couple of foods you want to talk about.

Well, Aged cheese is probably the most common trigger. Aged cheese contains a substance called tyramine, which happens from the breakdown of amino acid as food ages. So the more aged the food, the more tyramine it contains. That's why red wine is also a trigger. It contains tyramine and also it dilates blood vessels in the brain which can actually compound the problem.

I want to go back. Let's list a couple of those aged cheeses, so we are talking about, like blue cheese.

Sure, blue cheese, there's Parmesan, there's some aged cheddars. Anything that's not, you know say, American cheese that you can buy right over the counter, probably has some tyramine in it.

这里有好几个专用名词。她说在完全成熟的奶酪里面有一种物质叫酪胺(tyramine),这种物质是因氨基酸(amino acid)的分化而产生的。所以食品年数越长,酪胺就会越多。这也是为什么红酒也会引发头痛,红酒也含有酪胺,而同时红酒还有扩张大脑血管的功能,这也会加重头痛。而专家建议我们吃新鲜的奶酪,而不是蓝干酪(blue cheese),帕尔玛奶酪(Parmesan 这是一种意大利硬奶酪,经多年陈熟干燥而成,色淡黄,具有强烈的水果味道),或是切达干酪(cheddar 切达奶酪是世界上最受欢迎的奶酪之一,质地较软,颜色从白色到浅黄不等,味道也因为储藏时间长短而不同)。

Eat Meli cheeses.

Exactly, the yummy ones.