How To Say Merry Christmas In Ten Languages
Say Merry Christmas in Ten Languages. If you want to graduate from Santa School, you'll need to know how to say Merry Christmas in ten languages. The Ministry of Fun gives us a crash course. Whatever language, always finish it with a 'ho ho ho'.
Step 1: You will need
jolly demeanour
Christmas spirit
Step 2:
English 英语
You already know that one, but what about these?
French 法语
Joyeux Noel
Spanish 西班牙语
Feliz Navidad
Italian 意大利语
Buen Natale
German 德语
Fröhliche Weinachten
Swedish 瑞典语
God Jul
Welsh 威尔士语
Nadoilg Llawen
Japanese 日语
Kurisumasu Omedeto
Cantonese 粤语
Gun tso sun tan'gung haw sun
Latin 拉丁语
If a scholarly looking grandfather brings his grandchild to visit, you can impress him by saying:
Natali Hilari et Annum Faustum
"as I always say."
Step 3: Expressive eyes
Whatever language you are speaking in, remember to communicate with your eyes as this is the only part of your face visible to a child. You can smile, look surprised or even listen with your eyes.
Always follow your Christmas greetings with a jolly 'Ho Ho Ho!'.
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