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No.1 - The Matarese Circle

Denzel Washington can get pretty boring, as he’s often playing the same role in different movies. Tom Cruise can get pretty creepy, just in general. But you have to cut the two stars some slack. When they want to be good -- Washington in Training Day and Cruise in Magnolia -- they’re damn good. Both Washington and Cruise go head-to-head as two archrival spies, one American and the other Russian, who must gain each other’s trust in order to fight a common enemy called the Matarese. It’s an adaptation of a Robert Ludlum novel, the author who conceived Jason Bourne, so expect some riveting high-wire espionage and intense tete-a-tetes. But what has us ecstatic is director David Cronenberg, who’s molding the screenplay to his perversely brilliant taste. So expect a spy thriller that dissects the sex appeal in brutality a la A History of Violence.

电影改编自《伯恩的身份》原著作者Robert Ludlum 的小说[The Matarese Circle],剧本改编由[刺客联盟Wanted]的剧作Derek Haas and Michael Brandt和Cronenberg担任。本片改编自罗伯特·鲁德鲁姆创作于1979年的小说。故事发生在冷战期间,一个美国特工和一个苏联特工必须联手共同阻止一场凶险的阴谋。