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Finally here tonight, if you've been to New York Times Square, you know it's a bewildering place. It's as bright as day 24 hours a day. It's hard to pick out any one thing there to focus on. But this week a lot of the attention has been focused on just one billboard. It's right there above the Red Lobster. It's the man modelling outerwear in the photo who's getting the attention, as you'll see it in our report now from NBC's Rehema Ellis.

In a place where all the advertising is larger than life, now an image in Times Square someone who really fits the bill. But President Obama hawking the jacket? How?

When visiting the Great Wall of China last November, this photo was taken. The company bought the photo from a news agency without the president's permission. And now it's a gigantic billboard.

"Our intention wasn't to get press. Our intention was to take the president of the United States and put him in a very, very favorable light."

It's also got a lot of focused talking.

"People gonna be buying that. I'm looking at the jacket. I want to buy it myself."

"He's the president of the United States. Shouldn't we had a jacket as it?"

Let's face it. If you want your products seen by a lot of people in a short amount of time, you put it here. Times Square is one of the busiest places in the world. Half a million people pass through here every day.

And it's not just the president getting notice. The animal rights organization PETA has created this poster and is spreading online without the First Lady's permission, claiming she does not wear fur.

"This is America. We have the right to show the photograph. She is fur-free and she looks fantastic."

They both do. But should the leader of the free world be used to pitch a clothing line?

"It's not criminal. But it's unlawful and violates the president's right of publicity. As I said, he has the right to choose whether to endorse anything. And if he wants, he can choose not to endorse anything at all."

The White House wants the image removed.

Whatever happens, both groups have gotten plenty of exposure worldwide, exactly what they wanted.