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珍妮弗·洛佩兹作客Ellen DeGeneres Show


Jennifer Lopez was "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" musical guest on December 3. The singer delivered her new single "Louboutins", performing a dance routine similar to the one she did at 2009 American Music Awards during when she took a tumble. This time around, she didn't fall though.

Before taking the mic for a live performance, Jennifer sat down with Ellen DeGeneres for an interview. Despite her previous statement to Ryan Seacrest that the trip was part of choreography, she admitted that it indeed was an accident.

"I have a bruised bone. What happened was one of the dancers' backs was slippery from sweat and lights and everything. We never bargained for that because they always had T-shirts on in rehearsal," she said. "So they were barebacked, didn't have shirts on for the performance, and when I stepped on their backs my feet got wet. So when I landed. It just slipped from under me."