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Hair stylist Nic Davis shows you how to rough dry your hair, in order to remove all the moisture without over-drying it.

Step 1: Towel Drying 毛巾挤干
Don't rub your hair with a towel, as it will leave it dull and dry. Pat your hair, squeezing out any excess moisture so that it's damp but not dripping.

Step 2: Blow Drying 吹风
Use a medium heat, at a high speed. Lift the hair to allow air to pass through, and keep the air travelling downwards. Focus on the roots as the ends will dry as the air travels down the hair shaft.

Step 3: Styling 造型
Never over-dry the hair. Leave a trace amount of moisture to absorb the heat from tongs, straighteners, or other styling implements. If there are small areas that are damp, allow the heat in the hair to evaporate this moisture.