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British photographer Carl Warner creates amazing foodscapes: landscapes constructed entirely from fruits and vegetables, breads, fish, meat and grains. The works are delectable for both the eye and the taste buds.

At first glance the landscapes look real, and but look again and you'll see the scenes are made entirely out of food.

Garlic andcelery are transformed into incredible pictures, through Carl Warner's imagination and lens.

Warner creates the scene with food stuffs, then shoot pictures of each part, before putting them together digitally.

This is the Chocolate Express. Warner insists he relies simply on the charm of food itself, not special computer effects.

Apart from using his creations as simply pieces of art or for food commercials, Warner also hopes they can spark children's enthusiasm for healthy food.

Children will find these pictures are actually made of something that they might ordinarily stay away from, but the pleasing scenes may change their idea about nutrition, good taste, and tasting good.