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American people are embracing the holiday month of December. With retail spending on the up, experts hope this will help create the jobs the country badly needs.

Lauren Anderson has a lot to cheer about this holiday season. Business is booming.

Lauren Anderso, Head Manager, Kidding Around, said, "Unbelievable just go go go go go"

Anderson is the head manager at Kidding Around, a toy store in New York City, with a second location planned for next year. And for the holidays, the retailer has a small booth at Grand Central Terminal's Holiday Fair.

Like many shops this year, Anderson has had to hire to meet expected demand.

Lauren Anderso, Head Manager, Kidding Around, said, "Come this fall we had to almost double the staff which has never happened before, we normally have about 10 now we have about 20."

But nationwide, holiday hiring dropped dramatically in November after a strong early start.

Overall, the economy added only 39,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate climbed to 9.8 percent, according to the Labor Department.

Consumers, however, are out spending. Lending hopes the economy and the jobs market are heading in the right direction, says Markus Schomer, Chief Economist at PineBridge Investments.

Markus Schomer, Chief Economist, Pinebridge Investments, said, "Retail sales, consumer spending is the key to creating more jobs, and we've seen stronger retail sales numbers we've seen stronger same stores numbers over the last few months. We've seen stronger income numbers over the last few months. So that to me bodes well for retail spending going forward and that will be the main driver of job creation."

And small businesses like the ones at this holiday fair are expected to take the lead.

Job growth at small businesses hit a 2-1/2 year high in November, according to a different survey by the National Federation of Independent Business.

A confidence clearly felt by retailers.