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The reform of admissions to Chinese universities based on a system of open recruitment is proving to be a significant change for the country’s higher education institutions. This year’s recruitment of students by Chinese universities began Saturday, attracting tens of thousands of high-school students. Our reporter Li Wan-mei went to a test site in Beijing to find out more.

Headed by Tsinghua university, an university alliance comprised of six other universities in China began its open recruitment program this year. 60,000 candidates from all over the country participated in the Triple “A” test, which stands for Advanced Assessment Admission examination, to prove their outstanding abilities.

Test Taker, said, "I send a personal statement to the university listing my experience and performance in high school and how I fit the features of the university. I like the test exams comprehensive over-all abilities, unlike the college entrance exam, it focuses more on personal abilities."

College entrance exam is not the only thing deciding students’ future anymore. And many parents have set their eyes on the open recruitment system to provide their children with another opportunity.

Mr. Ding, Parent, said, "Nowadays, students can obtain knowledge through a variety of ways. Schools used to be the only approach, but now we have the computer and internet. So the measures selecting students should increase as well. I think the independent recruitment is a nice try, so I encourage my boy to take part in it."

Li Wanmei, Beijing, said, "Some experts believe that the open recruitment system is a useful complement to the existing college entrance examination for gauging innovation potential, special skills to create a green channel, so that students enter the ideal university through this kind of enrollment measure. This has also been proved to be effective."

Yu Han, the director of Tsinghua’s admission office, says open recruitment students at the university in the past few years have proved to be able to perform better in every single aspect than others.

Yu Han, said, "The proportion of open recruitment students receiving all kinds of scholarships is higher than those entering the university through the regular college entrance exam. And in social and public service activities, they also participated more."

Open recruitment may help increase the adaptability and selectivity of enrollment more easily than the unified entrance examination. But compared to the education systems abroad, it still faces lots of weaknesses.

Yu Han said, "To improve the quality of open enrollment, universities should focus on, and be clear about their needs when selecting their future students. If training of students is separated from selecting them, this road will be narrower and narrower."

Many educators express a wish that Chinese universities continue to increase their autonomy in running universities and training students with competitive skills and capabilities.