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A game where web users can plant their own crops in the virtual world, known as 'Happy Farm,' has been a huge internet sensation in China. And now, some farmers on the outskirts of Beijing are making the game a reality. CCTV reporter Jie Bai went to see what all the farm frenzy is about.
一个网民可以在虚拟世界种植农作物的游戏——“开心农场”在中国轰动整个网络。而现在,北京郊区一些农民使该游戏成为现实。CCTV记者Jie Bai去看疯狂农场到底是怎么一回事。

Locally grown and full of goodness.

These are not just any old carrots.

Farming fan Mr. Gao said, We're growing these vegetables in a green, organic way. We don't use chemicals. So it's quite safe.

Not a farmer, but a fan of farming, Mr. Gao has been coming to Little Donkey Farm in Beijing every week since it opened three years ago.

He said, We have twenty kinds of vegetables here. Lettuce, cabbage, egg plant, spinach... you name it. And they're just for family use.

Healthy food. family fun. and getting close to Mother Nature - just what this farm's founder wanted.

After spending some time on an organic farm in the US, Renmin University student Shi Yan, was inspired to green her fingers.
人民大学学生Shi Yan在美国一个有机农场呆了一段时间后,激起他学习高超的种植技能的兴趣。

Shi Yan, founder of Little Donkey Farm, said, It's called Community Supported Agriculture in the US. My tutor says it's a good idea to build a similar one in China. The district government also offers support. So I thought, why not?
“小毛驴农场”的创始人Shi Yan说,在美国它叫做社区支持农业。我的指导老师说在中国建立一个类似的农场是个好主意。地区政府也提供支持。所以我想,为什么不建立呢?

For 1500 yuan, you can own your own vegetable patch measuring thirty square meters.

For those of us not akin to growing our own food, experts are on hand at the farm for a hefty 12-thousand yuan annual fee.

With concerns growing over food safety in China, the farm has seen a surge in budding farmers.

Shi said, We plan to offer 260 pieces of land this year. They're soon to be rented out. We have about a dozen on the waiting list.