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As mothers celebrate their very own day, others also preparing for the new lives of their unborn children. However, they probably don't realize what risks their new babies may face. The rate of children suffering brain damage during their birth is 10 times higher in one area in Shanxi than other parts of the country.

In the village of Lvliang in north China's Shanxi Province, expectant mother Liu Jianhua is preparing her dinner, potato and millet porridge. Despite being eight months into here pregnancy, this is her daily menu. Hardly making ends meet, she sees milk, eggs, and even fruit as "luxury" items.
在中国山西省吕梁村,孕妇Liu Jiahua正在做饭——土豆和小米粥。尽管已经怀孕8个月,这就是她每天的菜单。因为几乎入不敷出,她把牛奶,鸡蛋,甚至水果当成“奢侈”品。

Liu's situation is not unique. To save money, many pregnant women here only eat the wheat and vegetables they grow.

An investigation conducted by the China Healthy Birth Science Association revealed that the typical diet of locals only meets half national nutritional standards. Mothers-to-be face an even wider gap.

Zheng Xiaoying, Deputy President of China Healthy Birth Science Assoc., said, "Babies' nutritional needs obviously suffer, so they are more vulnerable."
中国优生科学学会副院长Zheng Xiaoying说:“婴儿的营养需要明显地受到影响,所以他们变得更脆弱。”

Malnourished infants face complications during birth, including neural tube defects. Folic acid acts a critical role.

Other basic knowledge about pregnancy serves as another safeguard for mothers-to be and the babies, however.

Meanwhile, the local hospital is in a poor condition.

Liu Peiyu, Chief Physician of Gynecology and Obstetrics Dept., said, "This infant rescue table has been used for more than 10 years. It was donated by a poverty relief program."
妇产科部门主任医生Liu Peiyu说:“这张婴儿抢救台已经用了超过10年了。它是由一个扶贫计划捐赠的。”

And this obstetric table? 30 years.

Experts say, enough nutrition and folic acid, and well-planed medical treatment are necessary to help young mothers, to bring new hope in this field.