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And now for the mainland's follow up measures against the plasticizer, DEHP. China's top quality watchdog says bans have been placed on the import of three more Taiwan brands.

Mainland's coastal city of Xiamen is a major exporting city for Taiwan. Of all the 30 contaminated names released by Taiwan authorities, 7 have been imported to the city.

A total of 10 Taiwan enterprises have so far been banned from exporting to the mainland, including big names such as Uni-President. The company was found to have exported 200 cases of tainted asparagus juice to Fujian province.

The local government has started to recall all the contaminated products.

Fu Rurong, Director of Office of Food Safety of Xiamen City, said, "We have already start recalling all the contaminated products. They will be destroyed soon. An accurate figure is still being calculated."

To ensure local residents can enjoy safe drinks, local government has ordered all supermarkets in the city to remove all Taiwan drinks, no matter whether or not they are on the ban list.

Chen Qingfeng, Vice Director of Commodities Trading Market Committee of Xiamen, said, "We asked them to take all the drinks off the shelves first. Then we will examine all the drinks. They cannot continue selling the drinks until reports show they are safe."

The scandal started on May 23rd, when Taiwan's health authorities announced that DEHP had been found in some bottled beverages and dairy products. They demanded 168 food processors recall more than 1 million tainted items.