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The external wall of a shopping mall in Beijing was turned into a screen of a magnificent 3D show. The most advanced panoramic shooting and digital projecting techniques were practiced on the nearly one hundred square meter wall last Saturday.

The show started at 8:30 at night. Accompanied by strong beating music, a robotic hand flaps on the wall, then a field appears, and suddenly the scene is transformed into a limitless marine world.

3D building shows are an emerging form of recreation in China where designers project animated videos on the external surface of a building. Audience members are able to see the effects without wearing special glasses.

The deputy director of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Chen Weiya is assigned the director of the 3D show.

"3D technology is amazing and has great potential. It has completely changed the relationships between performers and viewers. The new technology is irresistible and the market is enormous."

After its Beijing debut, the spectacular performance will tour to Shanghai and Guangzhou.

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