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Among the rapidly rising number of microblog users, young people are the most active group on the platform. The large amount of information and highly interactive design are what's attracting the Chinese youth to the social network. Yet, some of them are finding it hard to break away from the world of the microblog and connect in the real world.

Microblogs are great for getting access to information much faster than traditional sources of media. A college student said, "I follow academics whom I'm interested in on the microblog so that I can get their ideas and insights. I also follow my favorite pop stars to know how they're doing in their life. It's kind of fun."

Yang has been using microblogs for a long time. The first thing he does after waking up in the morning is to switch on his cell phone and find out the latest. In fact, whether he's sitting in class or enjoying dinner, he's rarely not connected to the micoblogs. He even brings his phone to the toilet with him. He gets especially pleased when he gains new fans or when other users reply to his message. He agrees that he is a typical "microblog freak". Student Yang said, I get anxious if my phone is not connected online, because then I can't publish my blog. I'd be very uncomfortable if I couldn't do it. "

Yang says the situation is very common among his friends. Even in his flat, everyone is busy microblogging and rarely talk to each other. When they go out, they're still connected to it through their cell phones. Student Li said, "I think they are addicted to it as they never leave it wherever they go."

Those who stay longer than 6 hours on microblog in 3 consecutive months are considered by psychologists to be microblog addicted. They warn that heavy dependence on microblogs can lead to mental problems like anxiety disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder. Patients find their anxiety released when they get back on microblog.

Wang Xiangnan, a psychologist, said, "The direct result is an isolation from the real world. Most patients find difficulties in socializing due to a lack of communication."
心理学家Wang Xiangnan表示:“直接的后果是与现实世界隔离。很多病人因为缺乏沟通而感觉社交困难。”

Doctor Wang says the best way to beat the addiction is to return to the real world and re-build connections with friends. Outdoor activities are also suggested as an effective treatment.