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With price pressures remaining high, dedicated funds have been set up around the country to soften the blow of inflation. And total amount going into these reserves is in excess of 10 billion yuan.

According to China's National Development and Reform Commission, 15 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities have established funds to control prices, as of mid-June. The total amount is more than 10 billion yuan, compared with a total of 13.4 billion yuan last year.

Zhou Wangjun, deputy director of Price Department of NDRC said, "The fund is primarily used to support agricultural production and subsidize producers and consumers. Low-income earners in particular will be granted subsidies. The government also uses it to reserve key commodities. It's a way to curb price pressures and stabilize the market. "
国家发改委物价部门副主任Zhou Wangjun表示:“基金主要用来支持农业生产、补贴生产者和消费者。特别是低收入者,将会得到补贴。政府也用这笔基金来储备重要商品。这是缓解物价压力、稳定市场的一个方法。”

China's Consumer Price Index, a main gauge of inflation, accelerated to a three-year high of 6.5 percent in July. The NDRC says inflationary pressures could remain high, due to many uncertainties at home and abroad.

Zhou said, "One is whether we will see a bumper grain harvest this autumn. We are also concerned whether the U.S. will launch a third quantitative easing program. Debt problems in Japan and the Euro zone also pose challenges to the international market. Although many commodity prices have declined over April, they are still high. "

The initiative of setting up funds to control prices began in 1988. As inflationary pressures have continued to rise in recent years, the central government says these funds should be put into full play to stabilize the market. All Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities are expected to finish setting up funds by the end of the year.