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With impressive landscapes, pristine waters and colour-changing lakes, Jiuzhaigou National Park in Sichuan Province is one of China's most popular natural destinations. But there's a lesser known alternative, just off the beaten track.

In a neighbouring valley, adventurous travellers can get a close glimpse of some spectacular natural scenes, combined with enigmatic Tibetan culture. Let's head down to the northern edge of China's Sichuan Province to take a closer look.

Jiuzhaigou, or "Nine Village Valley", is China's pioneering and most visited National Park.

Nestled between snow-capped mountains on the eastern slopes of the Tibetan Plateau, its far-flung location is proving no deterrent.

The highlight is the color-changing lakes of emeralds, turquoise and vivid blues, caused by the special geological conditions.

It's these picturesque natural landscapes that are tempting tourists to the region.

Max Chiu & Elaine Hon, HK tourists, said, "We've been to lots of places. This is very colourful, and the lakes are beautiful. So that's one reason why we decided to choose Jiuzhaigou for taking our wedding pictures."
香港游客Max Chiu和Elaine Hon表示:“我们去过很多地方。这里非常引人入胜,湖很漂亮。所以这就是我们决定选择九寨沟作为我们拍结婚照地点的原因。”

With tickets at nearly 50 US dollars, including the fee to be able to board the park buses, visiting is far from cheap.

Despite the cost, around two million tourists visit the park every year. Domestic tourists usually arrive in tour groups with tight schedules.

But in order to get closer to nature and enjoy a slice of real local Tibetan culture, one must go further into the mountains.

The hidden and unspoiled Zharu valley opens its doors for those willing to pay a small premium. Tours range from a one day walk and a visit to a small local museum, to a two or three day trek around the sacred Zhayizhaga mountain -- a four and a half thousand meter colossus, and a destination for Buddhist pilgrims.

Zhuo Ma is greeting a new tourist. She was among the first to open her house for visiting guests.
Zhuo Ma正在跟一位新游客打招呼。她是首先为来访客人打开门的人之一。

The arrival of so-called eco-tourists in the area requires a new model of lodges - a far cry from gleaming urban hotels. Here, Zhuo Ma shows a regular visitor the family's honeycombs, part of the home grown produce served to guests.
来到这个地区的所谓的生态游游客要求一种新的模式的旅舍——与闪闪发光的城市酒店大不相同。在这里,Zhuo Ma给一位常客展示了家里的蜂巢,为客人提供一些自家种植、制作的东西。

Zhuo Ma, owner of Zhuo Ma Home Stay, said, "I am a Tibetan, and I was born here. So I can introduce them to our culture and I feel very proud. "
Zhuo Ma寄宿家庭的主人Zhuo Ma表示:“我是西藏人,我在这里出生。所以我可以为他们介绍我们的文化,我感到非常自豪。”

Zhuo Ma once thought that business opportunities only lay in modern cities. But since she came back home to open her business, she's definitely changed her mind.
Zhuo Ma曾经认为,只有现代化城市才有商机。但是自从她回家做生意,她才改变想法。

As Zhuo Ma serves her guests typical yak-butter tea, she hopes many other residents of Jiuzhaigou will follow suit.
在Zhuo Ma为她的客人提供独特的酥油茶的时候,她希望九寨沟其他许多居民也能够效仿。