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China is putting stimulating domestic consumption as a major goal for 2012. That’s one of the conclusions at the National Commerce Work Conference, which has just wrapped up. One measure would be to expand the country’s own brands in the domestic market.

Foreign brands are very popular in department stores in China’s first and second tier cities. China’s top policy makers have taken note of this trend. They say it’s necessary to create and promote more well designed, quality Chinese products at home.

Chen Deming said, "Currently, when going to some department stores, we see a great number of clothes, shoes and personal items are foreign brands. As a big manufacturing country, China has first-class manufacturers, and domestic brands need more attention from Chinese customers."
Chen Deming表示:“眼下,去一些百货公司的时候,我们看到的衣服、鞋子、个人用品大多都是洋品牌。作为一个制造大国,中国拥有最好的制造商,国内品牌需要从中国消费者那里得到更多的关注。”

In the first ten months of 2011, foreign brands dominated sales of women’s wear, men’s casual wear, and sports wear. Winning the hearts of Chinese customers is a big project.

Chen Deming said, "The manufacturers and enterprises need to enhance designs and sales networks, and expand marketing channels. Even more important is maintaining high quality. We also have to work on distribution from manufacturers to retailers,"
Chen Deming称:“制造商和企业需要增强设计和销售网络,扩大营销渠道。更重的是保持高质量。我们还必须致力于制造商到零售商的产品经销。”

As the world economy struggles to recover, orders from China’s major trade partners have fallen. A huge market itself, China has to shift gears from focusing on overseas markets to the one at home.

Chen Deming said, "Expanding Chinese brands in the domestic market is also a necessary step to transform China’s economic and trading structure.”
Chen Deming表示:“在国内市场上扩大中国品牌是转变中国经济贸易结果的必要步骤。”

There are also more measures to come for promoting Chinese brands domestically.