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San Francisco’s Chinese New Year’s parade has been called the largest celebration of Asian culture outside of Asia. This year, as many as a million spectators will watch thousands of people marching in the parade including 100 people who will carry a giant golden dragon. The parade is the culmination of the three-week Spring Festival in San Francisco.

For these San Francisco fifth graders saying happy New Year in Mandarin is no big deal. They’re in a Mandarin Immersion Class at a school that also offers a bilingual Spanish program and a more conventional English program.
对于旧金山这些五年级的学生而言,用国语说“新年快乐”并不是什么了不起的事。 他们进了一间学校的国语融入式课程班,该学校也提供西班牙语双语课程和更传统的英语课程。

After school this time of year students from all three programs race to the playground to get ready to march in San Francisco’s famous Chinese New Year Parade. School Principal Greg John says the parade helps bring this diverse community together.
每年这个时候,放学后,来自所有这三个课程的学生都跑到操场去,准备参加旧金山有名的中国新年游行。学校校长Greg John表示,游行将这个多样化的群体团聚在一起。

Greg John said, “We do things to celebrate Latino heritage, we do things to celebrate African American heritage, and this is one of the things we do to unify us around something that’s really big in the Chinese culture.”
Greg John称:“我们庆祝拉丁美洲人的传统,我们庆祝美国黑人的传统,在中国文化的大日子里,我们也做这件事来使我们团结在一起。”

For the drummers, it’s a big day. The straps that let them march with their drums on have arrived. They’re learning a traditional kind of drumming from Northern China, called Xian-Xi.

For the dragon, today’s a day to focus on teamwork. And for the water dancers, new costumes, and finally, putting it all together with the music. There’s more to learn, but dancer Ellie Murphy-Weise says she’s confident everyone will know what to do come parade day.
对于舞龙来说,今天是一个关注团队合作的日子。对于那些水舞蹈者、新服饰而言,最终伴随着音乐将他们全部放在一起。没有更多要学的了,但是舞蹈演员Ellie Murphy-Weise表示,她相信大家都知道游行日那天要做什么。

The big day is coming up soon – and these kids can hardly wait. Last year they won first prize in the marching competition. And they’d be proud to do the same again this year. Perhaps even more, they’re hoping for a warm clear night, but come rain or shine, the students from Starr King Elementary School will put on a great show.
这个大日子很快就要到来——这些孩子都迫不及待。去年,他们在游行比赛中获得第一名。今年再做同样的事他们会很自豪。或许还有更多,他们希望那天晚上温暖、晴朗,而不是下雨,Starr King Elementary School的学生将上演一场大型的表演。

They’ll march through the gates to San Francisco’s Chinatown, welcoming the Year of the Dragon with thousands of other drummers, dancers, and acrobats, as many as a million spectators, and countless fireworks.