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Winter brings a spot of trouble for northeastern China’s Liaodong Bay. The waters have frozen over, stranding many cargo ships waiting to sail into Yingkou Port, but a fleet of tugboats is clearing the way.

More than half (or is it 90% as it says in the soundbite?) of the 10 thousand square kilometer Liaodong Bay, has frozen over this winter. Yingkou is the busiest port in the region. Everyday, nearly 50 cargo ships dock into the harbor. The icy conditions really frosts over the shipping industry.

In order to make way for the cargo ships to sail in, Yingkou Port and Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration are working together - sending in tugboats to break the ice.

There are about 20 cargo ships stranded in the sea outside Yingkou Port. They have all requested for help to guide them into the harbor. I am now on this tugboat and we are sailing at 5 nautical miles per hour, trying to get there as quickly as possible, to complete this mission.

Moments after the tugboats leave the dock, it runs into more huge chunks of ice. It is not an easy job to carve a way out, even for this 22-hundred horsepower vessel.

Ji Guang, Observer of State Oceanic Administration, said “The ice here is about 10 to 20 centimeters thick. Some areas can reach 25 centimeters.”
国家海洋局观察员Ji Guang表示:“这里的冰厚约10至20厘米。一些地区可以达到25厘米。”

Wang Sheng, Yingkou Maritime Safety Administration, said “More than 90 percent of the sea in this region is frozen. We need to break the ice into small pieces, so that it enables the cargo ships to sail in and dock into Yingkou port.”
营口海事局的Wang Sheng表示:“这个地区90%以上的的海域都结冰了。我们要将冰破成一小块,以便货船能驶入,停靠在营口港。”

Along the way, the team must perform another mission.

Li Dongxu, Vice Captain of Yingkou Maritime Safety Administration, said “This floating ice mark is used in the winter time to guide the cargo boats. It has a solar panel so that it can be illuminated at night. Sometimes strong winds can carry it away, which may poses threat for the ships.”
营口海事局副队长Li Dongxu称:“这个浮冰标记是在冬天时使用的,用来为货船引路。它有一块太阳能板,所以它在晚上可以发光。有时强风会将它吹走,这可能给船只造成威胁。”

And as noon approaches, the tide begins to ebb away. Wind soars as fast as 18 miles per second. The ice on the sea has accumulated layer on layer, making it thicker than ever. Our tugboat got into a sticky situation.

Wang Sheng, Yingkou Maritime Safety Administration, said“The ebb tide has carried the ice near the coastline further away into the bay. Several tugboats need to work together in order to break the thick ice.”
营口海事局的Wang Sheng称:“退潮将海岸线附近的冰带走,带到海湾里。为了破厚冰,几艘拖船要一起合作。”

After 3 hours of hard work, the team finally reached the stranded cargo ships. The path is now clear for these ships to sail into Yingkou port, through the waterway we just made. Mission accomplished.