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A grand exhibition on China's national intangible cultural heritage is being held in Beijing from February 5th to 15th , offering a rare chance for people from home and abroad to appreciate China's rich folk culture. Our reporter Li Qiuyuan has more.
从2月5日至15日,关于中国国家非物质文化遗产的一场大型展览会正在北京举行,为海内外的人们提供了一个欣赏中国丰富的民间文化的难得机会。我们的记者Li Qiuyuan有更多报道。

Held in the National Agricultural Exhibition Center, the 10-day exhibition showcases more than 2,000 pieces of exhibits, demonstrating 188 intangible cultural heritage projects, from pottery to weaving, from tea brewing to traditional Chinese medicine.

Wang Haixia, director of Research Center of Folk Fine Arts, said, "The exhibition is considered the largest of its kind so far, the exhibition hall is of 13-thousand square meters, and the exhibition itself is divided into 9 parts according to production technique. Artworks demonstrating intangible cultural heritage from all across the country are gathered here, you can definitely see a huge variety."

Over 160 masters of intangible cultural heritage from all across China are invited to the exhibition to showcase their skills.

One of the eye-catching artwork is the "Tangka painting", or Tibetan scroll painting.

Created on rolls of silk or satin, the Tangka painting depicts Tibetan anecdotes or folk customs and images of the Buddha.

Featuring strict composition and elaborate depiction, it's an art handed down over a thousand years in the Tibet Autonomous Region, and today, the ancient artistic tradition still fascinates people from home and abroad.

Qu Zhi, tangka artist, said, "I learned to paint 'Tangka' since I was little, the technique was passed down several generations in my family. It took me 4 months to complete this painting. The process includes designing, sketching, coloring, and portraying Buddha's face. Drawing the eyes is the last step, and is also the hardest and the most important step.
唐卡艺人Qu Zhi表示:“我从小就学画‘唐卡’,这种技术在我家传承了几代人。我花了4个月的时间完成这幅画。过程包括设计、画草图、上色和描绘佛的脸。画眼睛是最后一步,也是最困难、最重要的一步。”

The drum dance and dragon dance performance is another highlight of the exhibition, giving the visitors a chance to fully appreciate the charm of the country's "living heritage".

CCTV's Li Qiuyuan said, "The intangible cultural heritage exhibition not only showcases more than 2000 pieces of art, but also features live performances. More than 200 ambassadors were invited to the show to enjoy the feast of art."
央视记者Li Qiuyuan称:“非物质文化遗产展览会不仅展示了2000多件艺术品,还进行了现场表演。2000多名使节受邀参观展览会,享受这场艺术盛宴。”

Ambassadors invited to the exhibition see it as a great way to promote Chinese cultural identity, the sense of continuity, as well as cultural exchanges between China and the world.

The exhibition will last till February 15th. Until then, visitors and enthusiasts can enjoy the exhibition for free at National Agriculture Exhibition Centre in Beijing.