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Our heroine today, a Ms.Wu Juping, has been hailed by many in the country as the most beautiful mother in China. And this is not a reference to her physical beauty. Wu Haojun tell us what exactly "the most beautiful mom" of China has done to deserve that title.
我们今天的女英雄是吴菊萍女士,她被许多人称赞为中国最美妈妈。这并不是指她的外在美。Wu Haojun将告诉我们这位中国“最美妈妈”到底做了什么,值得这个称号。

The scenic city of Hangzhou is certainly not short of statues. But standing out amid them is this one, built to remind people of a story of altruism and miracle.

It started out as an ordinary day in this community in the summer of 2011.But all that was about to change as the sound of a child’s cry resonated through the community.

As our heroine Wu Juping ran towards the sound of distress, she couldn’t believe what she saw, a young child dangling from the windowsill of an apartment on the 10th floor.

"I was just in shock at the time. There wasn’t much time to think at that moment. I was thinking about how to make sure she didn’t fall directly onto the ground."

And the only way to do that, Wu thought, was to catch the child before she hit the ground.

“I just took off my high-heels and I heard somebody shout. I realized she had fell, so I moved a little to catch her. Then she crashed into my arms."

The impact broke three bones in Wu’s arms. The doctor told her she must have had a guardian angel protecting her from harm. If she was hit just an inch closer to her chest, she would have died.

But all Wu could think about was what happened to the little life she just saved.

After 10 days in a coma, Niuniu finally opened her eyes. Her parents were elated to learn she was in stable condition & were extremely grateful for Wu’s deed.

"If it weren’t for Wu Juping, my child wouldn’t even have had the opportunity to be treated in the hospital. No words can describe how grateful I am for what she has done."

Wu had actually just become a mother herself. She says she understands she could have died from the impact. But it was her maternal instinct that led her to do what she did, to risk her own life to save a child.

Seeing Niuniu recovering from her injuries, Wu felt relieved and she wrote this on her microblog, "There are some moments in life when we have to make tough decisions. And to make the right choice, we have to do away with our worries and rational but time-cosuming analysis. We simply choose what’s right. We refuse to sit back and watch."