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China's passion for fashion is on full display at Paris Fashion Week. Chinese stars are taking front row seats at the runway shows of France's most famous fashion houses. And not surprisingly Chinese designers are also a growing force in the world's fashion capital. The Chinois presence in Paris is a sign that the haute-culture industry is increasingly turning its gaze on China's booming economy.

When fashion week comes to Paris, so do the stars. The big shows attract the usual mix of celebrities from the world of music, film and fashion. But this year there are some new faces in the crowd.

Chinese stars who are almost totally unknown in Europe are getting the VIP treatment from France's most prestigious fashion houses.

Kate Parkinson said, "It's really no great surprise that the French fashion houses are keen to have China's most famous faces at their shows. China is home to more billionaires than anywhere except the United States and is a booming market for luxury brands, and the French designers are keen to secure their place in the lucrative Chinese market."
Kate Parkinson称:“法国的时装屋渴望中国最出名的面孔出现在他们的时装秀上,这没什么奇怪的。除了美国之外,中国的亿万富翁比任何地方都多,这是一个急速发展的奢侈品牌市场,法国设计师渴望确立他们在利润丰厚的中国市场的地位。”

Chanel is one of France's most famous fashion houses, and is already much sought after in China.

But in China's increasingly competitive luxury market, Chanel knows it's great advertising from them in China to have Chinese stars photographed at their show.

Su Mang, editor of Harpers Bizarre, China, said, "China is becoming the most important market for the fashion industry. All the luxury brands have number one business in China and the increase in the business is always get number one in the world. So they are focusing more and more in the China market."
中国Harpers Bizarre编辑Su Mang表示:“中国正成为时装产业最重要的市场。所有的奢侈品牌在中国的营业额都是第一的,营业额的增长也一直是世界第一的。所以他们越来越关注中国市场。”

China's love affair with fashion runs two ways, and during fashion week the country is eager to boost its visibility in the design world.

The "China in Paris" showroom gives young Chinese designers the chance to introduce their work to the world's fashion capital.
“China in Paris”展厅给了年轻的中国设计师将他们的作品介绍给这个世界时装之都的机会。

Liu Fang, designer, said, "Paris, for me, is the international fashion stage and the place where I really want to present my clothes."
设计师Liu Fang称:“巴黎,对我而言,是一个国际时装舞台,是一个我很想展示我的服装的地方。”

China in Paris has been held on the sidelines of Paris Fashion Week since 2010 and aims to build bridges between China and France.
“China in Paris”从2010年起就在巴黎时装周的外围举行,目的是在中法之间建立桥梁。

China loves fashion, and with the country's luxury market forecast to soar to 27 billion dollars by 2015, the French fashion houses certainly love China.

Christine Zhou, organizer of "China in Paris", said, "Paris represents a particular universe especially in terms of creative. It's very well protected, and very encouraging. We can find all kind of creativity here, regardless of nationality. And China represents the desire, the market of course, and a new generation for the world. And so there can only be. partnership between Paris and China because they complete each other."
“China in Paris”的组织者Christine Zhou表示:“巴黎代表的是一个特别的世界,尤其是创造方面。它被保护得很好,非常鼓舞人。我们可以在这里找到所有类型的创造性,不分国籍。中国代表的是渴望,渴望市场,以及世界的新一代。所以巴黎和中国之间只能有合作关系,因为他们相互完善。”

China loves fashion, and with the country's luxury market forecast to soar to 27 billion dollars by 2015, the French fashion houses certainly love China.