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At the fifth session of the eleventh National People's Congress, the amendment of the Criminal Procedure Law has been a major issue. Enacted in 1979, then amended in 1996, this round of amendments comes under a new environment. Lv Yao reports on how China has been tailoring the judicial system to the current social setting over the past years.
在十一届全国人大五次会议上,修改《刑事诉讼法》是一项主要议题。《刑事诉讼法》1979年制定、1996年修订,这一轮的修订是在新环境下进行的。Lv Yao将报道过去几年里中国是如何根据现在的社会背景调整司法体系的。

China has been undergoing rapid economic and social development. To match this, a progressive criminal procedure law is also needed. Creating a harmonious society and protecting people are top priorities. And protecting human rights is clearly written into the draft amendment. Authorities at the NPC’s Law Work committee press conference on Thursday, called this a huge leap forward.

Lang Sheng, deputy director of NPC Law Work Committee said: "The new draft of the criminal procedure law is set to protect people and strengthen punishment for crimes, enhance public management, and it is a significant step to deepen reform of judicial institutions and execution, to face new social issues."

But some contents sparked widespread discussions, such as the time frames for informing detainees’ families.

Lang said: "Families of detainees and people under home surveillance must be informed within 24 hours, except when they cannot be reached. Actually the draft has excluded most of the circumstances which family members can be kept in the dark. There are only two scenarios in which they need not be timely informed. One relates to cases endangering national security, and the other in activities engaging terrorism, for reasons of possible obstruction to investigations."

Authorities also set some doubts straight, such as the so-call "secretly detained".

Lang said: "In Chinese law, there is no such word as "secretly detained". Some people misinterpret it, when it comes to the scenarios of suspicious activities of endangering national security and engaging terrorist activities. According to the amendment, once the possible obstruction is lifted, family members would be reached as soon as possible. "

Other major points in the draft include improving the rights of defendants and prohibiting self-incrimination.