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The Beijing Subway is a rapid transit rail network that serves the urban and suburban districts of the Chinese capital. But now, it’s about to phase out all old carriages and replace them with new air-conditioned ones. Four new rail lines are also being added to the transport system.

It’s just another regular day for subway driver Zhang Xiaoyu. This marks the 12,960th day he has been on the tracks. In the past 36 years, he has witnessed the evolution of the Beijing Subway system.
这只是地铁司机Zhang Xiaoyu另一个平常的日子。这是他在轨道上的第12960个日子。过去36年,他见证了北京地铁系统的发展。

Zhang Xiaoyu said, "I have driven every type of train since the day I started working for Beijing Subway. From the oldest type without ventilation to the latest air-conditioned train Triple-V-F which makes it more comfortable for passengers, the new train uses less electricity and is more environmental friendly. "
Zhang Xiaoyu称:“从我开始在北京地铁工作的那天起,我开过所有类型的列车。从没有通风设备的最老一款到让乘客更加舒适的最新空调列车Triple-V-F,新的列车用电更少,更环保。”

I was fortunate enough to try out the driving simulator on the latest model the triple-V-F. Zhang said the subway was originally for tourism purposes, but it has become an essential public transport tool for everyone here in Beijing.

Zhang Xiaoyu said, "I think the passenger load has grown exponentially in recent years, especially during the morning and evening peak hours.”
Zhang Xiaoyu称:“我觉得,近几年的客座率呈指数增长,尤其是早上和晚上的高峰期。”

To ease road traffic, the government has set a policy to restrict purchase of private cars. Over 5 million people use the subway every day. So that combined with a cheap 2 yuan fare has driven up the number of subway passengers significantly.

In response, Beijing Metro spokesman Jia Peng says the total mileage of the subway will be over 450 kilometres with the additional lines.
作为响应,北京地铁发言人Jia Peng表示,加上另外的路线,地铁的总里程将超过450公里。

Jia Peng said, "By the end of 2012, Beijing will open four new subway lines, the new lines will significantly expand the subway’s coverage, especially south and west of the city. One will be parallel to the current line 1 which crosses the entire Chang’an Street. Line 10, when fully completed, will form a complete loop around Line 2."
Jia Peng称:“到2012年年底,北京将开通四条新的地铁线,新的地铁线将增加地铁的覆盖范围,尤其是城市的南部和西部。一条将与现在穿过长安街的1号线平行。10号线全部完工的时候将在2号线周围形成一个闭合的环。

The opening of new lines also benefits real estate agencies.

"The property sales and rental business is getting better, especially with the opening of more subway stations which enable residents to travel more efficiently."

However network operations also posts great challenges.

"With the opening of the peripheral lines, more passengers will flow into the city, adding more pressure to subway stations, especially for stops like us - the intersection between urban and rural areas - the passenger flow is immense."

Jia says there’s currently a push towards quality improvement for the entire subway system.