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旅客吸烟引发警报 列车遭延误


More than twenty trains were delayed on Wednesday amid millions of home-coming trips made by people for spring festival holiday. The incident was caused by an alarm set off by a smokers on a train headed to Central China’s Hunan province from Guangzhou province in south China.

All bulletin trains running the route leave from the base in Wuhan city.

Trains begin the journey after going through stringent tests on alarm systems.

Smoking is one of the the biggest dangers inside the train.

Wei Peng, Technician of Wuhan Bullet Train Division, said, "The smoke intensity is tested here. The alarm will be triggered once the intensity surpasses the standard. It has a response time."
武汉动车基地技术人员Wei Peng称:“这里进行了烟雾浓度测试。浓度一旦超过标准,报警器就会触发。它有一个反应时间。”

3 or 4 puffs is enough to set off the alarm.

"The red light shows where the cigarette was lit up. But it cannot distinguish between smoke caused by a fire or by a cigarette. The driver was forced to stop the train to find out the problem." Wei said.
Wei Pei表示:“红灯表明香烟被点燃。但是它不能区别烟雾是由火灾引起的还是香烟引起的。司机被迫停车来找出问题。”

When an alarm goes off on such a high tech train, it requires a thorough check of the entire train. Because of its sophisticated design, this takes a lot of time.

Guo Yabin, Vice Firector of Wuhan Bullet Train Division, said, "The dismantlement of bulletin trains involves lot of components, for instance, we not only need to disassemble the two sides of the shock absorbers, but also the windshields. "

A throughout inspection usually takes ten hours.

While half an hour of stoppage may not sound like a big deal, it was enough to trigger a massive headache, as railway authorities are struggling to bring people home for Spring festival as early as possible.

"The stoppage of one train during spring festival transportation will cause the delay of all successive trains.Trains are full on every route." Guo said.

As China currently lacks legally binding rules for smoking on bullet trains, all railway authorities can do is try to persuade passengers not to smoke on bullet trains.