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伦敦奥运会 地方获益几何?


With less than 200 days left to go before the 2012 Olympic Games, many Londoners are wondering whether the event will leave behind a worthwhile legacy. Since 2005- when London won the bid to host the Games- 9.3 billion pounds --about 14 billion dollars of public money has been spent to fund them. But local residents in London’s East End are expressing little faith that the area’s regeneration will lift them out of recession.

Hosting the Olympics in tough economic times can be a hard sell. But organizers insist the billions spent in taxpayers’ money- was money well spent.

Jonathan Edwards, Chairman of Olympics Athletes Committee, said, “There has been a huge amount of investment, public money that has gone into the transport infrastructure, as a result of the games coming to London. There may be a challenge at Games time, in asking them to support us- to help make the Games work well, but I think the long-term benefits for London will be there, for many, many years to come."

But local residents living in the shadow of the Olympics Park wonder what those benefits are. Activists say while public money’s been poured into the Olympics, local services have been cut.

Glyn Robbins, a local activist, said, “Within the Olympics boroughs, we have 80,000 people which is enough people to fill that stadium and yet despite the billions of pounds that have been spent on the Olympics, only a fraction of the new housing that’s being built is going to be made available to local people at a price they can afford."
当地积极分子Glyn Robbins表示:“在奥运区里,我们有8万人,这些人够填满体育场,虽然花了数十亿英镑在奥运会上,只有正在兴建的那些新房子只有一小部分是以当地人能付得起的价格卖给给他们。”

The area’s regeneration comes against the backdrop of job cuts, pension reform and recession.

Glyn Robbins, a local activist, said, “It’s bordering on immoral, and I wouldn’t use that term lightly- if you are a pensioner, or someone with a child with disabilities, or a school child seeing the services at your school being cut, or a student from a working class background who is being told you have to pay thousands of pounds in fees, at the same time as spending nine billion pounds on what at the end of the day is a sports event."
当地积极分子Glyn Robbins称:“这几乎是不道德的,我从不轻易使用这个词——如果你是一名领退休金的人,或是有残疾孩子的人,或是一位看到学校的服务被中断的学龄儿童,抑或是一名出生工人阶级的学生,你被告知你必须支付几千英镑的费用,同时,最后花费90亿英镑为的是一项运动会。”

That anger is felt on the streets of Stratford where a brand new Westfield’s shopping centre attracts mixed reviews.

"How can they build million-pound Westfield, when there are people round here who don’t have anything, in a deprived area? They are building a million pound shopping center."

"Just look around you, the money has not been spent on the community- they say Newham is the poorest borough, they are spending so much money, but we have nothing."

Constant roadwork, car park closures, and disruption to shop delivery times is killing business according to local shop owners.

Regeneration has caused real problems for Asgar Ali who has run a pharmacy here for 31 years- he is now being forced to cut staff.
复兴为Asgar Ali带来实际困难,Asgar Ali在这里经营药店31年,现在他被迫裁员。

Asgar Ali, a London resident, said, “Traffic is not easily flowing, people are reluctant to come into Stratford, because of all the roadwork that are going on, due to the Olympics, and since the buses have been directed- the Council hasn’t helped us in this- they’ve directed all the buses towards Westfield."
伦敦市民Asgar Ali表示:“交通不顺畅,人们都不愿意来斯特拉特福德,因为奥运会,所有的道路施工都在进行,由于巴士都被定向了,委员会在这上面不能帮我们,他们将所有的巴士都引向韦斯特菲尔德。”

Officials insist the new shopping centre has created new jobs and lifted the area out of deprivation and decline. But it’s clear many local residents don’t feel the same way.

This is the literal dividing line, between the brand new Olympics-related Westfield shopping centre, and the old Stratford shopping center, local businesses here say the Olympics have brought massive disruption, and upheaval, hammering the high street- facing an uncertain future.