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Despite the growing price of Pu’er tea, it remains a popular choice among tea aficionados. But a recent message circulating on China’s microblogging sites warning people against the tea’s carcinogenic effects may dampen the tea’s future sales.

A microblogging message that claimed "Drinking Pu’er tea is the fastest way to get cancer" spread like wildfire on the internet. The messenger is Mr. Li Jianjun who claims to be an expert on human body engineering. Li Jianjun said, "It is certain that Pu’er tea contains aflatoxin. That’s why people need to stop drinking it. It can cause cancer."

While Li seems all but certain that Pu’er tea is harmful, other experts have been quick to come to its defense. Gu Zhongyi, nutritionist in Beijing Friendship Hospital, said, "When I saw the posting, I immediately wrote a message debunking it. It’s ridiculous."
在李建军肯定普洱茶是有害的时候,其他专家很快就反驳他。北京友好医院营养学家Gu Zhongyi称:“当我看到这条微博的时候,我马上写了一条信息揭穿真相。这真是谬论。”

Chen Zongmao, research fellow in Tea Research Institute, China Agricultural University, said, "I can say for certain that Pu’er tea doesn’t cause cancer."

According to Chen, while making Pu’er tea does involve the use of bacteria in the process of fermentation, it is mostly non-pathogenic, or good bacteria. Although the possibility of aflatoxin growing in Pu’er tea can’t be ruled out, that doesn’t mean all Pu’er tea on the market is carcinogenic.

Chen Zongmao said, "The vast majority of Pu’er tea doesn’t contain aflatoxin. Even if there is, it won’t grow because good bacteria make up the majority and they will have destroyed or stopped the bad ones from growing."

And according to Gu, while carcinogenic substances can be present in many aspects of our living environment, that doesn’t mean cancer is an imminent danger.
据Gu Zhongyi称,虽然致癌物可能存在于我们生活环境众的许多方面,但是这并不意味着癌症是迫在眉睫的危险。

Gu Zhongyi said, "For example, deep fried potato chips may contain carcinogenic substances. But whether they will do harm to our bodies depends largely on the intake. Considering the possibility and the amount of aflatoxin Pu’er tea may contain, there really isn’t much risk."
Gu Zhongyi表示:“例如,油炸薯条可能含有致癌物。但是它们是否会伤害我们的身体主要取决于摄入量。考虑到普洱茶中可能含有黄曲霉素的可能性和数量,这真的没什么危险。”

Although Li admits he hasn’t done any clinical studies to prove his theory, nor is he a certified expert of medicine or food safety, he isn’t willing to backtrack on his claim. Meanwhile many experts in the fields of medicine and agricultural science have stated that Pu’er tea doesn’t cause cancer. They say, just like many other teas, which are rich in antioxidants, Pu’er tea can in fact help prevent cancer.